English Language Reports
The Workers' Movement in China
- NEW! Reimagining Workers' Rights in China [2]
- China’s Walmart workers: Creating an opportunity for genuine trade unionism [3]
- Over-worked and under-paid: The long-running battle of China’s teachers for decent work [4]
- The Workers’ Movement in China: 2015-2017 [5]
- Searching for the Union:The Workers’ Movement in China 2011-13 [6]
- A Decade of Change: The Workers’ Movement in China 2000-2010 [7]
- Unity is Strength: The Workers' Movement in China 2009-2011 [8]
- Going it Alone: The Workers’ Movement in China (2007-2008) [9]
- Speaking Out: The Workers’ Movement in China, 2005-2006 [10]
- No Way Out: Worker Activism in China’s State-Owned Enterprise Reforms [11]
- The Liaoyang Workers’ Struggle: Portrait of a Movement [12]
Migrant, Student and Overseas Workers etc.
In-depth reports examining the issues affecting China's migrant workers and their families: getting a decent wage, hazardous working conditions and the social and employment discrimination they face in the cities and overseas.
- Throwaway Labour: The exploitation of Chinese "trainees" in Japan [13]
- Hired on Sufferance: China’s migrant workers in Singapore [14]
- The Mass Production of Labour: The exploitation of students in China’s vocational school system [15]
- Paying the Price for Economic Development: The Children of Migrant Workers in China [16]
- Small Hands: A Survey Report on Child Labour in China [17]
- Falling Through the Floor: Migrant Women Workers' Quest for Decent Work in Dongguan, China [18]
Health and Safety
A series of investigations into one of the most critical issues faced by workers in China today, high rates of work-related accidents and deaths, and the tremendous difficulties workers encounter in claiming compensation for occupational disease.
- Time to Pay the Bill: China’s obligation to the victims of pneumoconiosis [19]
- The Hard Road: Seeking justice for victims of pneumoconiosis in China [20]
- Help or Hindrance to Workers: China's Institutions of Public Redress [21]
- Bone and Blood: The Price of Coal in China [22]
- Deadly Dust: The Silicosis Epidemic among Guangdong Jewellery Workers [23]
Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining
Research report on collective bargaining efforts in the Global South.
Research reports and commentaries that examine the attempts of the Chinese government and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) to manage labour relations in China.
- NEW! Waiting for Weiquan: Worker rights protection at the All-China Federation of Trade Unions [25]
- Holding China’s trade unions to account: An in-depth investigation into the All-China Federation of Trade Union’s reform initiative [26]
- Understanding and resolving the fundamental problems in China’s construction industry [27]
- Swimming against the Tide: A short history of labour conflict in China and the government’s attempts to control it [28]
- Protecting Workers’ Rights or Serving the Party: The way forward for China’s trade unions [29]
- Breaking the Impasse: Promoting Worker Involvement in the Collective Bargaining and Contracts Process [30]
Foreign Language Executive Summaries
- Vers la négociation collective en Chine ? Le cas de l’entreprise Yue Yuen [31]
- En quête d’une organisation syndicale: Les mouvements de travailleurs en Chine (2011-2013) [32]
- Nager à contre courant: Une courte histoire des conflits au travail en Chine et les tentatives du gouvernement de les contrôler [33]
- Payer le Prix du Développement Économique: Les Enfants de travailleurs migrants en Chine [34]
- Un chemin tortueux: A la recherche d’une justice pour les victimes de pneumoconiose [35]
- Y Arriver Tout Seul: Le Mouvement des Travailleurs en Chine (2007-2008) [36]
- Protéger les Ouvriers ou Servir le Parti: Le futur des syndicats chinois [37]
- A feu et à sang: le prix du charbon en Chine [38]
- Les Petites Mains: Une étude sur le travail juvénile et la faillite du système scolaire dans la Chine rurale [39]
- Poussière Mortelle: L’épidémie de silicose parmi les ouvriers de l’industrie joaillière au Guangdong et les défauts du système de prévention et de dédommagement des maladies professionnelles [40]
- Den Preis des Wirtschaftsbooms zu Bezahlen: Die Kinder der chinesischen Wanderarbeiter [41]
- Es alleine Schaffen: Die Arbeiterbewegung in China (2007-2008) [42]
- Die Arbeiter Schützen oder der Partei dienen: Die Zukunft der chinesischen Gewerkschaften [43]
- Blut und Knochen: der Kohlenpreis in China [44]
- Kleine Hände: Eine Untersuchung zur Kinderarbeit und zum Scheitern des Schulsystems im ländlichen China [45]
- Überarbeitet und unterbezahlt Der langandauernde Kampf der Lehrkräfte Chinas für gute Arbeitsbedingungen [46]
- Un decennio di cambiamento: Il movimento degli operai in Cina 2000-2012 [47]
- Nuotare contro corrente: Breve storia dei conflitti al lavoro in Cina e dei successivi tentativi el governo per controllarli [48]
- Costretti a Pagare il Prezzo dello Svillupo Economico: I Figli dei Lavoratori Migranti in Cina [49]
- Una strada difficile da percorrere: Giustizia per le vittime di pneumoconiosi in Cina [50]
- Farcela da soli: Il Movimento dei Lavoratori in Cina (2007-2008) [51]
- Proteggere gli Operai o Servire il Partito [52]
- Sangue ed Ossa: il Prezzo del Carbone in Cina [53]
- Piccole mani: Un’ indagine sul lavoro minorile e il fallimento del sistema scolastico nella Cina rurale [54]
- Polvere Mortale: L’epidemia di silicosi tra gli operai dell’industria delle gemme in Guangdong e le mancanze/insufficienze del sistema di prevenzione e di risarcimento in caso di malattia professionale [55]