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Two days, two strikes in the Pearl River Delta

Emboldened by the successful strike of their colleagues at Honda’s transmission plant, about 250 workers at the company’s exhaust plant in Foshan went out on strike Monday morning (7 June) demanding higher wages and overtime payments. This followed an almost identical strike action at Taiwanese-owned Merry Electronics (美律电子有限公司) in Shenzhen’s Bao’an district, on Sunday morning.
08 June 2010

Additional news reports on Foxconn and Honda

Construction workers began erecting anti-suicide nets today at an industrial plant in southern China that makes millions of the world's mobile phones and computers. Five-metre long steel poles were bolted into the walls below the roofs to support webbing that will eventually cover 1.5m square metres.
29 May 2010

SCMP: Bargaining power

When faced with low wages and increased living costs, the workers at Honda's components factory in Foshan did what many other factory workers across the Pearl River Delta have done - go on strike to demand higher pay. At Foxconn's massive factory complex in Shenzhen, however, workers making even less money did not strike. Rather, they hunkered down and worked for 12 hours a day, six days a week, to make up the shortfall. Many later walked off the job to look for better work elsewhere but, tragically, 10 young employees, feeling alone and desperate, jumped to their deaths from the roofs of their dormitories.
02 June 2010

News reports on labour disputes and trade unions

They are the engine behind China's decades-long economic miracle: factory workers earning meager wages to ensure that the nation's exports are sold at unbeatable prices. But a strike at Honda Motor Co. and a rash of worker suicides at one of the world's largest electronic-components plants in recent weeks have highlighted the challenges China will face as it continues to rely on cheap labor.
02 June 2010

Police reportedly detain striking workers at Henan cotton mill

More than 20 female workers were detained after police attempted to break up a two-week-long strike at a former state-owned cotton mill in Pingdingshan, Henan. The workers, eight of whom were listed by name, were accused of “disrupting production” (扰乱生产), according to reports circulating on the Chinese internet. Up to 3,000 police officers moved in to clear the factory gate on 1 June, which had been blocked by striking workers since 14 May. Some of the 5,000 workers have reportedly returned to work but the majority remains on strike.
04 June 2010

CNN, USA Today and The Daily Mail on Foxconn suicides

The Foxconn suicides have focused the attention of popular media in the United States and Europe on workers' rights in China, thereby bringing the issue to a much wider audience and perhaps having a bigger impact on major brands. CLB was quoted in the following articles, copyright remains with the original publisher.
03 June 2010

Financial Times: Chinese labour is licensed to stake its claim

Listen to the following statements about the strike at Honda's transmission plant in Guangdong province, one that has brought the Japanese company's car production throughout China to a juddering halt. The first goes like this: "The strike reflects the low wages the bosses are paying the workers . . . The system does not provide a legal base for collective bargaining." The second, like this: "In the three decades of opening-up, ordinary workers are among those who have received the smallest share of economic prosperity. The temporary stoppage of production lines in the four Honda factories . . . highlights the necessity of organised labour protection in Chinese factories."
04 June 2010

Foxconn’s latest pay offer comes with strings attached

Foxconn still doesn’t get it! If you are going to increase the basic pay of your employees to 2,000 yuan a month, then just increase the basic wage – do not make it conditional on passing a three-month performance evaluation. Basic pay is by definition “basic.” You should not have to perform really well to get a basic salary; you should get a bonus in addition to your basic wage if you perform well.
07 June 2010

Strikes, suicides and labour activism in China

The suicides at Foxconn and the strike at Honda's components factory in Foshan have focused almost unprecedented international media attention on the plight of China's workers. Commentators have asked why are workers taking such drastic action, are we seeing an upsurge in worker activism, and if so could that threaten social and political stability in China?
07 June 2010

Toronto Star: Labour strife rolls across China

Out on the pavement the battle lines were drawn: in an awesome show of force, more than 1,000 uniformed, riot and plainclothes police blocked the factory gate — with a special black-clad unit, armed with clubs, riot shields and a don’t-mess-with-us attitude. Across the street, close to 3,000 sullen looking workers milled about, cursing. Nearly 5,500 walked off their jobs at the Pingdingshan Cotton Textile Co. here recently, demanding better pay and working conditions. By anyone’s measure they had cause: most work for 65 cents per hour.
08 June 2010
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