United Nations adopts resolution on the responsibilities of transnational corporations [1]
15 August 2003
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of Human Rights
55th session
13 August 2003
In a resolution on responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/L.8), adopted unanimously, the Sub-Commission approved the Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights submitted by the Working Group on this topic; and decided to transmit these Norms to the Commission on Human Rights for consideration and adoption by the Commission.
The Sub-Commission requested the Working Group on the working methods and activities of transnational corporations to study the information submitted by Governments, specialized agencies, non-governmental organizations and other interested parties, and to transmit its comments and recommendations to the appropriate transnational corporations or other business enterprises, Governments and relevant non-governmental organizations or other sources of information.
The Sub-Commission also requested the Working Group on indigenous populations to gather the views of indigenous peoples and indigenous organizations and communities as well as other interested parties to supplement the Commentary on the Norms and/or to draft a new set of principles which would include further reference to indigenous concerns and rights with regard to transnational corporations and other business enterprises.